
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 09:43:45
例文:各位老师好,今天能站在这里我很高兴,我是来自千年古镇之一的瓷都景德镇的一名考生。那儿山明水秀以瓷器的美响誉中外。欢迎各位老师来做客。我今年18岁,喜欢写作,看书,跳舞。擅长唱歌,绘画。我选择考这个专业不仅仅因为我喜欢空中乘务这个专业,还因为空乘专业会让学会怎样懂得与去他人沟通、去聆听他人的心声,更好的帮助和服务他人,并在这基础上成长。所以我会为此而努力,我相信我可以做到。 谢谢各位老师

You are all good, able to stand here today, I am glad, I am from one of the millennium town Jingdezhen porcelain is a candidate. Where the picturesque beauty with porcelain renown domestic and foreign. Welcome to our guest teacher. I am now 18 years old, likes writing, reading, dancing. Good at singing, painting. I chose to test this profession not only because I like the air crew of the profession, but also because of professional flight attendants learn how to let other people know how to communicate with the last, to listen to the voices of others, better help and serve others, and on this basis to grow. So, I will work to that end, I believe I can do it. Thank you for Teachers