
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 09:36:19

Traditionally, we hold the idea that eat an apple or some other kinds of fruit is good for our health. However, according to authoritative survey, having fruit after meals is not proper. For the reason that it will slower the nutrition's absorbing process. And further more, it may result in a disorder of our digestive function. So, It seems better for us to have fruit before meals.

Nowadays,many people like eating some fruit after meal.They think it good for their health.But, it's not the truth.
Fruit after meal can have bad effect on the nutrition absorbtion.
So if there are delicious fruit waiting for you, eat it before meal or two hours after meal.

many people like to eat fruit after dinner. However, it is not good for the health. Because it has bad influence on the absorption of nutrition. So for our health we had better not eat fruit after dinner.

It is not good for people to eat fruits immediately after meals.As it will affect the nutritio