
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 03:49:41

This course is an introduction to macroeconomic concepts and analysis. The operation of economic activities is examined to provide an understanding of how the composition, size and distribution of national output. Discussions include business cycle, banking system, monetary and fiscal policy, international policy, fluctuations, and economic growth. The course objective is to introduce basic macroeconomic concepts intended for understanding the interaction of market influence with short term or long-term national and international economic policies.

The study of the behavior an economy at the aggregate level, as opposed to the level of a specific subgroups or individuals (which is called microeconomics). For example, a macroeconomist might consider the industrial sector, the services sector or the farm sector, but he/she will not consider specific parts of any of these sectors. Factors studies include inflation, unemployment, and industrial product