求FF的let go 歌词 就是BOYS LIKE GIRLS翻唱的那首歌

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 19:39:15

Drink up baby down,

一饮而尽吧 宝贝

Mmmm, are you in or are you out,

嗯 你究竟要不要加入呢

leave your things behind,


'cause it's all going off without you.

因为没有你 一切都黯然失色

Excuse me, too busy you're writing your tragedy,

抱歉 你在忙著写你的悲剧

these mishaps, you bubble wrap,

这些不幸的遭遇 被你完美地包装起来了

When you've no idea what your like.


*So let go, let go, jump in,

所以 放下吧 跟我一起走

Oh well, watchaya waiting for,


its alright,


cause there's beauty in the breakdown

因为残缺里 还是有美丽的

let go, l-let go, just get in

放下吧 放下吧 跟我一起走

oh, it's so amazing here

喔 这里真的充满惊奇

its alright,


cause there's beauty in the breakdown

因为残缺里 还是有美丽的*

It gains the