拜托~ 哪位专业高手来帮翻译一下啊,不要在线翻译的,谢谢啦

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 14:49:18
1. trade barriers主要是指一国对外国商品劳务进口所实行的各种限制措施。一般分关税壁垒和非关税壁垒两类。
2. 关税壁垒,按征收关税的目的来划分,关税有两种:一是财政关税,其主要目的是为了增加国家财政收入;二是保护关税,其主要目的是为保护本国经济发展而对外国商品的进口征收高额关税。保护关税愈高,保护的作用就愈大,甚至实际上等于禁止进口。
3. 非关税壁垒,是指除关税以外的一切限制进口措施所形成的贸易障碍,又可分为直接限制和间接限制两类.主要目的也是保护本国的箱同行业的从业者。

1. Trade barriers mainly refers to a country's imports of foreign goods and services and to implement a variety of restrictive measures. In general sub-categories of tariff and non-tariff barriers.
2. Tariff barriers, according to the purpose of dividing tariffs, customs duties, there are two: First, financial duties, its main purpose is to increase state revenue; second is to protect the tariffs, its main purpose is to protect the country's economic development rather than for foreign to impose high tariffs on imported goods. The higher protective tariffs, the greater the protective effect, or even effectively banning imports.
3. Non-tariff barriers, is defined in the tariff to restrict imports of all other measures the formation of trade barriers and restrictions can be divided into direct and indirect restrictions on two categories. My main goal was to protect its own box with the industry practitioners.
Excessive trade protection is not conducive to a co