
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 21:57:57
我国自1999年大学开始扩招以来,大学生就业问题日趋严峻,大学毕业生初次就业率和供需比日趋下降,大学毕业生就业形势不容乐观,受到了社会各界的普遍关注。大学生“毕业就失业”,早已不是危言耸听,大学生就业难已成为当今中国一系列就业问题中一道特殊的难题, 2009年全国高校毕业生人数将突破600万人,而把人力作为一种资源看待的今天,同样纳入市场供需关系的范畴,在供需关系不平衡的情况下,使得本已积重难返的大学生就业问题变得更加严峻和迷茫。据统计,仅2008年上半年,全国就有6.7万家民营企业倒闭。这么多企业倒闭,肯定会影响大学毕业生就业市场,进而导致毕业生就业面临着严峻的挑战,但在挑战的同时,也蕴藏着巨大的机遇。那么大学生就业究竟面临怎样的难题那

Since the beginning of China's university enrollment since 1999, college students become increasingly severe unemployment problem, university graduates the first time employment rate
and supply and demand than the gradual decline in the employment situation of university graduates can not be optimistic, has been the community's attention. College students "graduation on unemployment", no longer alarmist talk, college students in China today has become a difficult employment problem of employment in a range of specific problems, the number of college graduates nationwide in 2009 will exceed 6 million people, while the human treated as a resource Today, we are included in the scope of the relationship between market supply and demand, in the case of supply and demand imbalance, making the employment of college students already appreciate the extent of the problem has become even more severe, and confused. According to statistics, only the first half of 2008, the