谁能帮把 “当我自己的少爷,让别人说去吧” 翻译成英文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:41:39

Be my own self and let people talk.

be my own master and let them talk

master/young master=主人,小主人,少爷(UK english)

them:他们,他人,第三方群体 同:other people(vocal)/them people(street talk)

i'm just be myself no matter what people say.

to be myself, let others say
to be myself no matter what who says

1.I am the master of my own domain, let other people think what they want.

2.I am going to be myself regardless of what other people say about me.

When my own master, let others say go