这段是什么歌 ?http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTA0Mzg1Nzc2.html ....27:57秒 唱的那首

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/12 15:33:44

DJ Tiesto - 《Love Comes Again》

You have become
What you have always been
Life figuring out
Rephrase your vision

No words I can speak
A path should been chosen
All trembling track
She lead us back and here
the guts are

Love comes again
Just when I booked in none of her
Love can come again
You gotta believe that
Love comes again
Just when I booked in none of her
Love can come again

Deep within me
Turn all the secret stones
Voice of fields
Breathing when love holds
Still no word we can speak
A path should been chosen
But all trembling track
She lead us back and here
the guts are

Love comes again
Just when I booked in none of her
Love can come again
You gotta believe that
Love comes again
Just when I booked in none of her
Love can come again

试听:http://www.yymp3.com/Play/5130/63502.htm是什么歌 谁知道这个是什么歌?http://www.bl99.net/music/AVSEQ04.MP3 什么歌 http://wstatic.xunlei.com/web/download.htm?cid=5D6B1EABF2AD9440BE96B3AAA7E5B7EC75CBF52B http://tv.mofile.com/B2KUC4P8/背景是什么歌?? 谁知道这首是什么歌?http://dv.ouou.com/play/38d7f21f2d65d 去这听听是什么歌http://dv.ouou.com/play/v_38d7f33d70f1d.html http://tv.mofile.com/4FOMD0HY/谁知道这是什么歌 http://www.9hai.com/play/10063.htm 这首是什么歌 这一首歌是什么歌 http://dv.ouou.com/play/v_e38b5dbbb0999.html 谁知道这个背景音乐是什么歌http://dv.ouou.com/play/v_e3b7047c92a6e.html