Journal Writing 写至少二三自然段

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:17:56
Write about a challenge that you faced in your life. how did you overcome this challenge? write at least one page,


I used to be unconfident while facing difficulties and coming acorss problems. Even standing in front of beautiful girls, I might be feel nervous and unconfident. That's really a big psychological challenge in my life. But I know we are all human and have flaws. Even if our physical appearance, unique personality, or social skills aren't what we wish we were, that doesn't have to stop us from being confident. We are beautiful inside and out so we should love ourself unconditionally. So I find some ways to help me overcome the unconfidence.
I first try to find my passion. Whether it's baton twirling, martial arts, musicianship, or basket weaving, I will feel confident pursuing that endeavor by recognizing what I enjoy doing the most. More importantly, I'll be enjoying your progress.
Sedond,I tell myself non to think about myself too much. Try not to focus negative