
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 15:54:23


First, you must have a clear idea of what you wish to study and where in Canada you would like to be located. There are also financial considerations to take into account, as study, for international students, in Canada is costly and the amount can vary enormously from institution to institution. Field of study, geography and cost will help you narrow your selection.

The next step is to contact the universities that appeal to you and obtain information from them. As it can take some time to complete the application process, the earlier you begin the better it is for you. Start your search at least 12 months in advance; if you are planning to begin your studies in the Fall of 2008 you should start contacting universities in the Fall of 2007. Canadian universities admit new students twice a year. Although the largest intake is usually in the Fall, students are also admitted in the spring semester which starts in January, therefore if you want to start in Janua