
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:08:02
皮卡车=Pickup(A pickup truck/敞蓬小货车)
Report on assault and battery plus robbery
At 6:30 AM on September 16th, 2009, Mr. YH,(the driver who works in the sub-grade work section in the North Branch,) drove Mr. WW, (the driver of the dumper,) in one white Pickup (License plate No. 25-25-1619) from the Camp at K375 to the workplace.
Not long since the pickup left the Camp at k375 for the Waddan direction, they noticed that one car (without the license plate) was parking along the road side; however, they headed their way to the workplace as usual without the awareness that they are tailed after by the car.
When our pickup was 7 ~ 8 kilometers (at about K366) away from the Camp, the car forced our pickup to stop (interception); three men holding the wood bars came down from the car and attacked Mr. Yua

leave for:for后面应该是地点名词或短语,而文中的中心词是direction. 用In没有问题,这和Leave不冲突。

1.可以after 后可以接句子,没有问题。
2.那就完全变成leave for句型。for Waddan 把direction去掉。这样绝对含义正确,句法也正确。
8.含义应该是:他们注意到一辆车停在路边。那么一定是be parked.注意主语是车,不可能自己停自己,何况如果是parking,意味着是进行时,表示动作。这里明显是表示车停的状态。

1.(the driver who works in...)因为是解释这个司机,这里应该用a不是the.表示他是在某处工作的一名司机。除非那里只有一个司机才能用the.
2.they noticed that one car .one最好改成a.理由:一般意义的一个都是用a.除非是表示强调物件的个数。比如:There is an apple on the desk 和There is one apple.含义实际是有区别的。
3. came down from the car 改成came out of the car.理由:came down 是从上到下。一般上车是get in the car;下车:get out of the car.
4. ,and gave serious injury to his head. 改成非谓语causing serious injury to his head.因为前面的动词时attack.改成这种形式会更好些。当然之前也不算错。从你的判断中,我知道你是有英语基础的,所以我不多解释。

leave for:for后面应该是地点名词或短语,而文中的中心词是direction. 用In没有问题,这和Leave不冲突。