
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 05:36:24
具体点 怎么用 还是不懂

在从句中,那不叫疑问代词,叫连接代词(连接副词)。由连接词引导的句子就叫从句,在有些时候连接词可省略。连接词有what,where,who,whose,whom,which,how,that,unless,if,before,since,because,so,until,once,whether等很多。用哪个连接词引导从句要看他是什么从句,从句意思和从句中所缺的成分而定。 如在Could you tell me what you are doing?中,主句中tell需要双宾语,tell sb.sth.所以主句缺少宾语。后面是它的宾语从句。在从句中,doing缺少宾语,what就可在宾语从句中作宾语,指人或物(在名词性从句中指“那一个时用which,指”谁”时用who,其他指人或物/事时都用what)

I don't know what he did yesterday.
What he said surprised us .
The problem is where we can get so much money.
I have no idea when we will have a sports meeting.

Could you tell me what you are doing?
This is the book which I bought testerday.