帮翻译这篇英语对 高分!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 15:49:34
A 你好,XX,为什么你看起来这么高兴呢?
B 难道你不知道明天是什么日子吗?
A 怎么可能,这个地球人都知道,国庆节啊。HI,C,国庆你想怎么过呢?
C 今年是国庆60周年,首都的阅兵仪式肯定非常隆重,真想去北京看看呀,真遗憾我去不了。
B 别为这遗憾,你这样想想:北京阅兵虽然隆重,但是肯定人山人海,找不到好位置看阅兵,最多估计只能看到人头.而且天气那么炎热,晒得人头都晕,不如坐在家里舒舒服服的,看的又清楚.
A 你怎么知道那天会很热呢
B 我们这的校运会,前几天还下雨,但到了校运会却晴空万里,你看连这天气都预测的这么准,何况北京,预测的天气肯定好,难道你见过哪次阅兵是下雨的吗?
A 恩..听起来有那么点点道理.
C B,听你这么一说,我感觉好多了,不想着去北京了,你国庆想怎么过呢?
B 首先,睡觉睡到自然醒,后来嘛...因情况而定



A: Hey, XX, what makes you so happy?
B: Don’t you know what day tomorrow is?
A: No way! Everybody knows it’s National Day tomorrow. Hey C, what is your plan on tomorrow?
C: It is the 60th anniversary this year and there must be a grand military parade. That’s too bad I can’t make a trip to Beijing.
B: That’s okay. Let’s think it this way, it is a grand parade for sure but there will also be thousands of people gathering at the same time that you won’t have a good view actually. And it is hot these days, why don’t you just sit in front of the TV comfortably?
A: How would you know it is going to be hot?
B: It was raining all the time few days before the sports meeting of our school but the weather was perfect on the day of the sports meeting. You can see how precise the weather forecast is. Not to mention how precise the Beijing one will be. Or you have ever seen a military parade being held in rain?
A: Well, that makes sense.
C: B, I am feeling