
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 18:17:52
花费要多少?要带多少钱去? 请说清楚(细节)···谢谢 去丹麦欧登赛旅游最佳季节是什么时候\!!!!!

Faint, why wants to go to Odense? Really boring place, 2 days at most, then you will feel bored.

China - take flight - Copenhagen - take train - Odense
9 hours direct 1.5 hours
15hours transfer

Round trip flight tickets - 8000+RMB
Living in Odense - 500dkk per day=650 RMB/day
Food in Denmark - 300dkk per day=450 RMB/day
Transport in Denmark - 500dkk for round trip between CPH and odense=650RMB
Shopping - 1000+dkk = 1300 RMB

In total around 15000 RMB more or less.

来丹麦的旅游签证不允许个人签 只能和旅行社组团来 所以你还是联系旅行社问吧 这边很严格的