
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 10:31:34
这是文章 根据文章回答下面的三个小问题

THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Everybody have a seat. First of all, let's give thanks that it's not raining, because we thought it might be and we were worried that Bobby would be sending smoke into the White House. But it's a beautiful day.

I want to personally acknowledge once again -- they've already been introduced, but I want to introduce them because some of you young people are sitting with them -- you may not know who you're sitting with -- the extraordinary men who are participating in this event today. First of all, Chief Quartermaster John Lehnen -- thank you so much, John. Some of you may know this guy, Dwayne Wade. I hear he plays basketball pretty good. (Laughter.) Etan Thomas, another ball player; Joseph Jones, the Center for Urban Families; Greg Brown, who is the CEO of Motorola; Antwaan Randle El, outstanding football player; Dr. Steve Rosen, Northwestern Cancer Center; Jorge Ramos, one of the premier jou

1. “internalize”means to have personal and subjective opinions about; “exemplify”means to set up an example for.
2. Fatherhood is all about the spirit of love and dedication and commitment.
3. The excuse is that he doesn't want to keep participants from food for long.