
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 23:02:48
Splendid China is the biggest model park in the world.It has models of famous Chinese buildings.The longest wall in the world,the Great Wall,is here but it is much smaller than the real one.You can take a photo but you cannot climd this wall!In the park,you cam see rpck paintings,beautiful old trees,rivers and mountains.You can also see Potala Palace-the highest palace in the world-and you won't need aplane to get there!

"锦绣中华"是世界上最大的模型公园。它拥有各式中国著名建筑的模型。 世上最长的城墙,长城,也在在这里,当然,模型比实际的要小很多。你可以在此拍照,然而你不能爬上城墙!在公园,你能看见岩石画, 优美的古树,河流和群山。 你能还看到布达拉宫-位于世界屋脊的宫殿(直译应该是世界最高的宫殿,但是肯定不是这个意思,而是位于最高处的宫殿,所以我做了意义)-并且,你无须搭机前往该处!
