各位高人 帮帮忙设计一份问卷

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 15:04:25
要10条以上的题目 尽可能专业一点
请不要局限于就业问题 最好加上消费之类的

Question 1: Did the Financial Crisis interfered your inclination on future occupation?
Question 2: Do you worry about that your parents will lose their job these days?
Question 3: Did you become more frugal than before?
Question 4: Did you or your parents start to save more money in case of that you can not find a good job after graduation?
Question 5: To compare a medium-salary post of governmental department with a high-salary post of foreign company, which one is better for you?
Question 6: Have you ever lowered the expected salary of future job since the Financial Crisis broke out?
Question 7: Did you changed your mind from preparing for searching job to preparing for takeing the postgraduate entrance exam?
Question 8: Do you spend as much as the amount you spend before on shopping?
Question 9: Do you spend more time in dorm instead of going outside recently?
Question 10: Do you concern more about China's financial situation than