
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/13 08:34:13
Just like a deaf, do not mind others are laughing at you; just like a blind man, do not care others who are much better than you.

Just like a deaf man, who does not mind others that laughing at him; just like a blind man, who does not care about others that much better than him.

1. a deaf 要有名词,deaf本身是形容词
3. care others 要有介词care about

句子缺少主语啊,just like sb 不能算是一个主语
你可以说He/she(这里要有个人称才行) just like a deaf ,do not mind……

others are laughing at you -> others' laughing at you
还有blind不一定不care吧,可以改成look at 或者mind或者bother to look at

Try to be like a deaf, do not mind when others are laughing at you;
Try to be like a blind man, do not care if others are much better than you.

你的意思是 学着像一个。。。