
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 06:24:06
第41集《澡堂老板家的男人们》第4分钟开始,尹京和俊浩在咖啡厅里的背景音乐。貌似开始是give me time to listen,give time to think it through……高潮是before me i could turn back time,before me ……i would stay for the night,for the night。可惜搜了好久还是不知道是什么歌!谢谢帮忙找下啊!这是第41集的网址http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjk3ODc2OA==.html

Turn Back Time


Give me time to reason,
give me time to think it through
Passing through the season,
where I cheated you

I will always have a cross to wear,
but the bolt reminds me I was there

So give me strength,
to face this test tonight

If only I could turn back time
If only I had said what I still hide
If only I could turn back time
I would stay for the night. For the night...

Claim your right to science
Claim your right to see the truth
Though my pangs of conscience,
Will drill a hole in you

I seen it coming like a thief in the night,
I seen it coming from the flash of your light

So give