
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:26:41
Dr. Emmi Pikler writes in Peaceful Babies – content mothers
Parents can aid this process by lovingly taking care of a child´s basic needs: feeding her when she is hungry, providing drinking when thirsty, changing her diapers, keeping her warm, and letting her rest when tired. Taking care of her needs when she signals her hunger or itredness helps her develop a sense of trust. By listening to your child´s cries and getting to know them, you can respond to her appropriately. With a new baby, try to do things smoothly and peacefully because newborns are jittery. In this way you can help your child to relax.

Hands constitute the infants first connection to the world. Hand pick her up, lay her down, wash and dress and maybe even feed her. How different it can be, what a different picture of the world an infant receives when quiet, patient, careful yet secure and resolute hands take care of her – and how different the world seems when these hands are impatient, ro



emmi Pikler博士在平安的婴孩–美满的母亲写
家长可能通过爱恋采取关心child´s基本需要援助这个过程: 喂养她,当她饿,提供喝,当渴,换她的尿布,保留她温暖和让她的休息,当疲倦。 采取关心她需要,当她发信号她的饥饿或itredness时帮助她开发信任感觉。 通过听您的child´s啼声和知道他们,您能适当地反应她。 以要顺利地和平安地做事的一次新的婴孩,尝试,因为新生儿是紧张的。 这样您可帮助您的孩子放松。

手构成与世界的婴儿第一连接。 精选她,放置她下来,洗涤并且打扮和甚而可能喂养她。 多么不同它可以是,世界的不同的图片婴儿什么时候接受安静,耐心,仔细,并且安全和刚毅手照料她的–,并且多么不同世界似乎当这些手是不耐烦的,粗砺,或者hasty…和紧张。 首先手是一切婴儿的。 手是人,世界。 方式我们接触一个孩子,举并且打扮他: 那比我们的词、我们的甚而微笑或者扫视是我们精确地,更加典型地。