用英语解释句子 (同义句转换)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 08:29:47
I have a letter from my friend.
Which is your favourite sport?
He is a boy called Jim.
They are from Beijing.
My parents own a restaurant.
He works as an architect in London.
What do they do?
I can walk to school
I am keen on sports
what's your weight

第一句 不好意思 我学识浅薄哦
what's you favourite sports?
He is a boy named Jim.
They come form Beijing.
My parents have a restaurant for themselves.
He is an architect in London.
What are they jobs?
I can go to school on foot.
I like sporting very much.
How much do you weigh?

I heard from my friend.
Which sport do you like best?
He is a boy and his name is Jim.
They come from Beijing.
The restaurant of my parents.
He is an architect who works in London.
What`s their job?
I go to school on foot.
I do sports for a long time.
How much do you weight?

my friend have sent me a letter
which sport do you like the most
his name is Jim
beijing is where they came from
my parents are the owner of the restaurant
he is an architect who works in London
what are their occupations
i can go to school by walking
i am enthusiastic in sports
how heavy are you
