
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 01:26:19
好久没和您联系了 最近好吗?
现在我们这的风景气候都不错 是否有兴趣来我们家乡旅游观光 我们希望在中国见到你

Did not contact you for a long time, and it's everything going well?
The Australia's immigration policy has changed, Does it affect me?
Our material submitted by the date in November 2008, right?
Can we check the progress of the handling ?
The weather and the scenery here are very nice,whether you are interested to go on a trip to our hometown? We hope that we can meet you in China

It has been a long time not in touch with you,how is everything going?
the policy of Australian immigrantion has changed,does it have any influence on us?
Is the date for handing in our material November 2008?
Can you check our processing schedule?
Now the weather and scenery here are fine,do you have any interest coming to our hometown to have a visit? We hope to see you in China.

Haven't contact you recently?
Australian immigration policy change, the influence of whether we have?
We submit the materials o