
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 23:44:51

wish me luck 祝我好运.
major cool 酷毙了.
absoiuteiy 还用说.
guess what猜猜怎么了.
as usually 老样子
You'll be fine. 你会没事的
You are brave. 你够勇敢的
I gotta run. 我得走了
You are really get into your work.你对你的工作可真投入
actually 实际上
fine 好
much better 好多了
big whoop 强词夺理
pretty cool 很不错吧
way cooler 这样更cool
I guess 我想是的
hit it 开始
that is it 仅此而已
you will never know if you don't try如果你不试那你永远都不会知道
doesn't matter 没关系
neither can i 我也。。。
busted 完蛋了
make it plain 长话短说
no but 没有但是
again with the buts 没有但是
look it's settled 就这么定了
just a little bit 有点儿
do you have a second ?你有空吗
really good 真的很棒
I don't lie我没撒谎
like that 那样
seem 看起来
I better get going 我得走了
why do you care你为什么那么关心、不关你的事
you hide too你同样在掩饰
I don't care about anything 我什么都不在乎
what happened to you ?你怎么了?

cool 酷毙了
absoiuteiy 没问题(Still use said 还用说)
Of course, it's wonderful 当然了,真棒
I gotta run 我必须跑
big whoop 大声
hit it 打那
busted 超额
make it plain 让它平原
again with the buts 再用
like that 喜欢,
why do you care 你为什么想知道
I don't get it 我不明白
Don't want to be late 不要迟到
shoot 射击
It was awesome 它是可畏的
you wanna do me a favor 你要帮我一个忙
I'm a pro 我是一个职业球员
My hands are tied 我现在很忙
It's incredible 这是难以置信的
phenomenal 惊人的

Having a big half day, at least to some points?(忙活了大半天至少要给点分吧?)
