翻译英语 (非翻译器)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 21:51:12
"They key is freshness and where the job is being taken from," he said. Despite such problems, studies indicate that an increasing number of people are being hired through Web postings and employee referrals, rather than through traditional methods like printed want ads.
In 2004, a study by CareerXroads found that 61 percent of hires by the companies surveyed came from referrals or the Internet, up from 50 percent two years earlier. According to the study findings, Monster, CareerBuilder and HotJobs accounted for 22.8 percent of the hires attributed to the Internet; corporations also reported that a high percentages of employees were hired after filing applications on corporate sites.
Eric Muller, a recruiting manager with the Southern Company, an energy company based in Atlanta, says his company initially began using JobCentral because it allowed the company to post all its jobs at a lower cost and because it provided a direct link to the company's site. While

他说他们调整存在气味清新和在那里工作正被从采取的音调.尽管存在这样问题,仍然,研究指示一增加人们的数目正被通过网任命和雇员参照不是通过像加印招聘广告传统方法租借.在2004年,向上从在百分之50两年前,被眺望公司为一经过CareerXroads研究找到那百分之61的租用来自参照或者因特网.根据研究发现,鬼怪,CareerBuilder和 HotJobs占百分之22.8的把租用归于因特网;有限公司也报告在提出在社团的地点上申请之后,雇员的a很大的比例被租借.埃里克Muller,一个有南方公司的recruiting经理,一个基地在亚特兰大的能源公司说他的公司开始时开始因为它允许公司向杆它所有的有在a工作,使用JobCentral较低花费和因为它供养a指挥联系向公司's地点.在公司仍然使用像鬼怪和CareerBuilder大板的同时,他说他们做,所以更在战略上-条件,例如,一工作应该是立即填补.他说"我们必须有一混杂体".我不能在一篮中吃我所有的蛋