
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 19:21:59
十八世纪末十九世纪初,英国的一位很有名的将军叫惠灵顿,他指挥的滑铁卢战役,给了拿破纶以致命的打击。也因为滑铁卢战役使每一位英国人都对他产生了敬意 。
1815年6月18日拿破仑指挥的法国军队和英国将军惠灵顿指挥的反法联军在比利时布鲁塞尔近郊的滑铁卢村展开大战,这就是历史上有名的滑铁卢战役。黄昏时分,反法联军控制了战场的主动权,拿破仑的军队败局已定。这时,一个名叫罗斯伍兹的商业情报员悄悄地撤离战场,骑快马奔向布鲁塞尔,然后又转到奥斯坦德港。深夜时分,他跳上了一艘有特别通行证的快船。 6月19日清晨,他在英国的福克斯顿上岸。他的老板正在那里亲自等候。老板接过信件,快速打开信封,浏览了一下战报标题,然后就策马直奔伦敦的股票交易所。 不仅仅这些,惠灵顿伯爵与纳尔逊将军一样,关注安德鲁的强制军制改革,威力火炮的研制与实战运用,政治上的威逼利诱等等。看到对手如此灵活熟练地运用各类战争以及非战争手段而显现地惊人效果,惠灵顿伯爵也有了改良英国陆军的冲动。总之,滑铁卢战役虽然只打了一天,但这一天足以改变很多人的命运。滑铁卢战役之后,反法联军很快攻占了巴黎,声名显赫的法国皇帝拿破仑不得不再次宣布退位(之前曾有过一次退位),之后被流放到了大西洋上的圣赫勒拿岛。由于在滑铁卢战役中打败了拿破仑,英军的指挥官惠灵顿将军一战成名。可是,很多历史学家指出,在滑铁卢战役中,最大的赢家并不是惠灵顿将军,而是罗斯切尔德商业家族。利川早获悉滑铁卢战役结果的信息优势,内森•罗斯切尔德在金融领域打赢了一场漂亮的战争。从某种意义上讲,拿破仑的滑铁卢成了罗斯切尔德商业家族的凯旋门

Eighteenth century, the early nineteenth century, the British general known as a well-known Wellington, his command of the Battle of Waterloo, gave Napoleon Lun fatal blow. Also because of the battle of Waterloo so that each one the British have produced a tribute to him.
June 18, 1815 Napoleon commanded the French army and the command of British General Wellington, anti-French coalition forces in the outskirts of Brussels, Belgium, Waterloo Village, started World War II, which is the history of the famous Battle of Waterloo. At dusk, anti-French allied forces control of the battlefield initiative, Napoleon's army defeat has been set. At this time, a business intelligence officials Mingjiaoluosi Woods quietly leave the battlefield, riding a horse toward Brussels, Ostend and then go to Hong Kong. Hours of the night, he jumped on a special permit of the Clippers. The early morning of June 19, he landed in the United Kingdom Foxton. His boss was there in person to wait. The bo