英语作文题目 跪求例子。。。谢谢。。。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 03:15:04
Do people put too much emphasis on winning?

1.从比赛者的角度 (参赛者是否太注重输赢了)

可最头痛的是要有具体例子!!! 打比方 如果说不是 那就要举一个具体的人或是具体的一群人是如何不注重输赢的
现在的 过去的 国内的 国外的。。。全都可以。。。

后天考试。。。跪求 谢谢各位大侠了!!


1. 从比赛者的角度
* some players cry their hearts out after failing in the games.比如本届奥运会中国女排,上届俄罗斯女排
* some prefer sharing the joys and hardships in the games to winning or losing (Olympic games for disablers 比如残奥会)
* some enjoy the honours when mounting platforms to be awarded the cash prizes or the medals.(登上领奖台)

2. 从观看者的角度(人们是否太关注比赛中赢的人而忽略了输的人)
* Premier Zhou Enlai said: "competation is the first and friendship is the second".
* some believe to win the game in a playing area represents the hornour of our motherland.
* fans supporting their teams are proud or shy of their team's lossing the game.