
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 05:37:59
1.孙中山领导了1911年的辛亥革命并建立了第一个中华民国(the repubilc of china)提示词:found
2.1906年孙中山去东南亚募集革命经费 提示词:collect
3.孙中山在书中表明了争取平等民权(civil rights)的愿望 提示词:express
4.因为有人泄露了秘密,革命失败了。 提示词:let out

1.MR.sun guided XINHAIrevolution in 1911 and fonded the first "repubilic of china".
2.MR sun went to south-east of Ascia to collect outlay to the revolution.
3.MR. sun expressed his struggling of civil rights in book.
4.The revolution failed because of someone's letting out the secret.
