谁能帮我翻译我以下说的话 请准确翻译 另外帮我看看有没有语病 多谢指正 这是要发到公司的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 19:57:50
感谢贵公司的及时回信 我英语不好所以上次内容比较简短 如有不礼貌之处还请见谅 关于那张出货单是我在淘宝网的一家出售贵公司产品的网店上看见的 产品介绍上还有几张照片也就是所谓的真品证明 网址是 如果这些证明不足以能够证明是从贵公司批发的 那还需要什么凭证 例如一些必要的手续和单据 我会向店主索要的
我在**官方网站的公告上看到关于XX伪造证明书一事已得到贵公司核实 我们永远支持正品
另外产品管体背面是否印有++用来辨别真伪在国内小有争议 是不是09年4月生产的有 那以后生产的有没有?
我发了3次同样的问题 有人能回答的话 3次悬赏加在一起是150分!! 麻烦帮帮忙 这份翻译对我很重要!!


Thx for your answer.My English is too very poor so plz excuse me if I offend you. Turn to that bill of sale,it was found by myself in a web shop on taobao.com,which was selling your products.Some photos had been attached to prove them the real things.If these evidences cannot fully prove the products were sold by your company.Then what else could prove it?I will ask the shop owner to obtain.

The affair ,which I have read the announcement from the XXX's official site about XX made the fake certificate has been verify by you.We appriciate it and we will support Genuine forever.

Another question is that,the ++,which is printed on the back to show this is genuine,is disputed in the state.I wonder if the sign is printed only in April 2009 and what about then?

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