
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:30:32

More and more youths taking drugs nowdays.What I think the reasons are variety. Many reasons may from the outside world, and many may from themselves.
the first reason I think is from youths them selves. Many youths don't have the ability to control themselves out of drugs. Maybe the first time they just thought the drugs were fresh. But once they had got any of drugs, they got addicted in them. And could not break away from them.
the second reason is just from the family nowdays youths, they get rarely oppotunity to communicate with others present. Their parents just close them at home, and don't give them any chance.
So, what they have to do is reading books、 playing computer games and just learn many terms their parents force them to. They don't have their own space, and can't do the things they want to do. So, drugs maybe a kind of friend to them.
the last reason may come from the sciety. Many people want to search provoke, they want to