
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 16:14:41
我没带书啊 紧急

ben lanbert the famous singer is takinga long vacation this summer! he thought about going to greece or spain but decided on canada l always take vacation in euope he said this time l want to do something different l heard that canada is beautiful and lknow there who speak french
ben is going to canada great lakes he is leaving the first week in june and staying until september he plans to have a very realxing vacation l am taking walks going fishing and going bike riding l am planning to spend time in the beauiful countryside l love nature l hope l can forget all my problems at night l am renting videos and sleeping a lot ...... a greatvacation l can it wait

Ben Lambert's Vacation Plans!

Ben lanbert the famous singer is takinga long vacation this summer! he thought about going to greece or spain but decided on canada l always take vacation in euope he said this time l want to do something different l heard that canada is beautiful and lknow there w