
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 05:02:02

a person i will never forget

Thomas was a new student in my class. The first time i saw him when i came into my classroom. He sat alone everyone looked at him strangely. He smiled at every person who walked next to him. I can still remember his face. He had high forehead, beautiful brown eyes and a lovely small nose. He had thin lips and gorgeous dimples when he was smiling. He also had very short dark straight hair. Thomas was tall and skinny. He always wore jeans, a loose fitting T-shirt or sweatshirt with a hood and trainers. But when was a special occasion he wore black woolen suit, a striped velvet tie and loafers.
Thomas was very friendly and like socialising. He was nwe in my class but in a short time he found friends. I liked him because he was never sad, had a good sense of humour and always told jokes. Many times Thomas, i and two other students from aou class visited pubs or discoes. He never played basketball, football etc. We never asked why he avoided s