
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 17:17:59
1. 你能帮忙找了一下我的小猫吗?
2. 他喜欢在早上看报纸。
3. 他们擅长绘画。
4. 约翰的父母每天步行到办公室。(两种)
5. 这个小男孩来自美国。
6. 你可以在学校图书馆借到这本书。
7. 请问,那个用英语怎么说?
8. 树上有很多美丽的花。(两种)
9. 听起来挺不错的。
10. 我的儿子周六晚上不做作业。
11. Bob放学后步行回家吗?
12. 是踢足球的时间了。(两种)
13. 我爷爷每天做30分钟的运动。
14. 每周这几个女同学要花2个小时练习跳舞。
15. 你应该先完成家庭作业。
16. 妈妈经常在清晨遛狗。(两种)
17. 她能从一数到一百。
18. 我没有时间看电视。(两种)
19. 除了这对双胞胎以外的每个人都在教室里。
20. 这家商店晚上十点关门。(两种)
21. 谢谢你帮助我奶奶。
22. 我想给我的笔友寄封电子邮件。(两种)
23. 她盼望着再次到南京来玩。
24. 你认为我的新鞋子怎么样?
25. Tom不喜欢做家庭作业。(两种)
26. 她喜欢和朋友在电话里聊聊音乐。
27. ---是谁呀? ---是我。
28. 什么消息?
29. 你们几点开始做眼保健操。
30. 谁能为运动会做好准备?

1. Can you help me to find my cat?
2. He likes to read newspapers in the morning.
3. They are good at painting.
4. John's parents walk to the office every day.
John's parents go to the office every day on foot.
5. This little boy comes from the United States.
6. You canborrow this book in the school library.
7. Excuse me, how to say that in English?
8. There are many flowers in the tree.
The tree there has a lot of flowers.
9. Sounds pretty good.
10. My son never does homework on Saturday night.
11. Does Bob walk to home after school?
12. It's football time.
It's time for football.
13. My grandfather does exercise for 30 minutes every day.
14. This week, several girls spend two hours in practicing dance.
15. You should complete the homework first.
16. My mother often walk the dog in the early morning.
My mother often walk the dog very early in the