求轻音乐 - 美国乡村音乐 - 全心爱你歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 03:20:30

I Lay My Love On You(中英) (Westlife)

曲名:I lay my love on you
Just a smile and the rain is gone 一个微笑就能雨过天晴
Can hardly believe it yeah~ 真是难以置信
There's an angel standing next to me 你像天使一样,站在身旁
Reaching for my heart 就占据我的心房
Just a smile and there's no way back 一个微笑就让我义无反顾
Can hardly believe it yeah~ 难以置信
But there's an angel calling me 你象天使一样,出声呼唤,
Reaching for my heart 我的心就为你跳动
I know, that I'll be ok now 我知道,会一切顺利
This time it's real 这次我是动了真情
I lay my love on you 让我深深爱你吧
It's all I wanna do 是我唯一的心愿
Every time I breathe I feel brand new 每次呼吸都仿佛焕然一新
You open up my heart 你就如此打开我的心扉
Show me all your love, and walk right through 给我你所有的爱,直达我心底
As I lay my love on you 对你如此一往情深
I was lost in a lonely place 曾迷失在孤寂之地
Could hardly believe it (yeah) 现在想来简直不敢相信
Holding on to yesterdays 那些过往的时光
Far, fa