
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 23:45:01

Man killed in east China as his belongings blast
2009-10-16 10:10:19 GMT2009-10-16 18:10:19 (Beijing Time) Xinhua English
QINGDAO, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- A man was killed after his belongings blasted Friday morning while he was crossing a road in east China's Shandong Province, said local police.

The accident happened in Licang District of Qingdao city at about 11:10 a.m.. It was unknown yet what the man had been carrying.

A car passing by was damaged in the blast. No other casualties were reported.

A resident living nearby said he heard a big noise which was louder than the sound when tyres of a truck exploded.

The cause of the accident was under investigation.

Qingdao was co-host city of the 11th Chinese National Games. But the site, in outlying urban area, was far from the venues.


谁帮我测八字出生1986年5月10日农历四月初二凌晨2点30左右 我是1988年10月15日,农历9月5,大概22点左右出生,我的五行如何?命中缺什么?适合配带什么水晶? 请问11月10日左右去威海会不会很冷?适合海钓吗? 于阳历1988年2月23日凌晨8点左右.适合干什么 请问农历1985年10月8日下午4点左右出生的五行缺什么?适合戴什么水晶? 哪种狗粮适合4个月左右的吉娃娃 1月20号左右适合去厦门旅游吗? 求算命(有偿)我是1984年3月4日生人。阴历二月初二。早晨九点半左右(被采纳的答案留下Q号定充10Q币) 08年哪几只基金适合定投?时间10年左右 请哪位大师帮我算算命阿?我1984年4月2日出生,阴历三月初二,下午四点左右吧,男性,谢谢了