
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 02:36:29
问题:帮帮写题目My future hometown 。1未来的加是一个绿色花园,四周是绿树,鲜花,青草,新房,高楼。2 无需出门,你便可以听见鸟儿唱歌,看见鸟儿飞翔。3 有时你很难把树与高楼辨别出。100词左右

My future hometown
My future hometown will be a big green garden.It will be arounded by trees,flowers,grass.New houses and top buildings are everywhere.You can listen birds singing and see birds flying in the sky without going out.
最后这句感觉有点奇怪( 有时你很难把树与高楼辨别出 )你自己看着办吧。或是等待别人来答你的问题。

Plus a green garden, surrounded by trees, flowers, grass, new homes, high-rise buildings. 2 do not need to go out, you can hear the birds singing, saw the birds fly. 3 Sometimes it's hard to trees and tall buildings distinguish