
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:20:35
Master Sun and Master pun, internationally recognized Feng Shui Masters and recently featured on “Asian America”, will be at the East Brunswick Public Library November 9, 2009 from 7:00PM to 9:00PM. “Feng Shui: Inviting the benefits of positive energy” topic will be covered. John, host of Asian America and EBTV personality will moderate this informative and vibrant discussion. Light refreshment indigenous to China will be available for the evening.
light refreshment means some light snacks and drinks to greet/refresh the attendants.
i.e. tea, cookies, or snacks etc.
Thanks for your help.

孙子和硕士双关,国际公认的风水大师,最近在“亚洲美国特色”,将在东布朗斯维克公共图书馆2009年11月9日从7:00至9:00。 “丰说:邀请的积极能量的好处”主题将包括在内。约翰,美国和亚洲EBTV性格温和此主机将丰富和活跃的讨论。

sun大师和pun大师,最近在“asian American”现身的国际认可的风水大师!会在“East Brunswick”公立图书馆,11月9号(2009)从下午7点到9点以“祈福消灾”为题开谈论会~~ (O_O),主办方,John,这位美籍亚洲人,以及ebtv电视台会主办这次论坛~~“light refreshments”会在场提供~~

ps。light refreshment O_o 肯定是什么神秘的风水仪式~~是什么啊!!??

修正: 1。 “Feng Shui: Inviting the benefits of positive energy” “风水:召唤阳气的帮助”
2. John, host of Asian America and EBTV personality will moderate this informative and vibrant discussion. Light refreshment indigenous to China will be available for the evening.

John, Asian America的主持人,EBTV的红人,会主持这次让人耳目一新的、充满活力的讨论。晚上还会提供正宗的中国点心。