
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 14:41:10
1.It seemed that... 和 It seemed as if ...有什么区别?

2.You should think twice before you jump to conclusions.
这里为什么用conclusions 而不是conclusion???

3.migrant ,immigrant, emigrant 的区别

migrant 移民总称
emigrant 移居外国去的

Jump to conclusions /a conclusion
的意思是妄下结论 草率作出断语 初学者就该谨慎用词 不用s的话就得用个a或者别的 如:Therefore, I may jump to the following conclusion:这里的following

it seemed that
看来, 似乎, 好象, 据说
可以接形容词或从句:It never seemed that notable/everything was on my side 看来没什么好在意/万事看来都那么顺利
还有个用法就是it seemed to sb that is was 对某人来说它仿佛是……

It seemed as if 后边要加虚拟语气的 It seemed as if the fight would never end.(战争好像永无止境)