
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 09:54:50

King Henry VIII (1491-1547)

Henry VIII, 1535-1540. Cirle of Hans Holbein.
© Galleria Nazionale di Arte Antica, Rome.

Welcome to the Luminarium King Henry VIII page.

Here you will find a biography, works (including Henry VIII's poems, song lyrics, and selected letters), portraits, essays and articles, biographies of the six wives of Henry VIII, and various study resources. All of these can be accessed from the red navigation bar at the top.

The sidebar on the right has links to persons, historical events, locations, and concepts relevant to the study of King Henry VIII and the Tudor Age. Most of these links lead to the Luminarium Encyclopedia. Renaissance English Literature has its own section.

Don't forget to visit the Henry VIII Discussion Forum to chat about all things Henry VIII and the Tudors.

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