
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 06:21:24
1.他的父亲退休后他接管了公司(要求用retire,take over)
He took over the company after his father retired。
2.他的英语很好,所以我相信他和别人用英语交流不会有任何困难(要求用be good at,communicate with,have no difficulty in doing sth)
He is good at English,so I believe he has no difficulty in communicating with others。
3.端午节是中国最重要的节日之一,他起源于2000多年前(要求用the Dragon Boot Festival,date from)
The Dragon Boot Festival is the important festival of China, it dates from 2000 years ago。
4.货物将被用船运往日本(要求用goods,transport to)
Goods will be transported to Japan by ship。
In the modern world mastering a foreign language is very useful for our life,there I want to talk about my study of English with everybody。
6.我们庆祝端午节是为了纪念中国伟大的诗人屈原(要求用 in memory of)
We celebrate the Dragon Boot Festival in memory of the poet of China-Quyuan。

总体来说还可以 但有如下问题:
第二句, 应为He is good 。。。。。。with others in English.
第三句, "什么什么之一"应当是 one of the most important.这个句子可改为非谓语动词结构(不知道你学过没有)Dating from over 2000 years ago, the DBF is one of the most important festival in China.
第五句涉及一个句型 it is + adj + to do 所以这句话可以这么翻 It's useful for our whole life to master a foreign language, so I want to
talk something about my English study with you.

其实英语有时不用一字不差的翻译哦 意思达到就可以了!


第二句others后面漏了in English.

第三句应该是the Dragon Boat Festival is the most important festival in China, which dates from 2000 years ago.

第五句应该用Here I want to talk.不是THERE.everybody可以换成you.

第六句同样错了端午节的说法,而且漏了the great poet.

He took over the company after his father had retired。

he is good at English so i think he should have no difficulty in communicating with others .

The Dragon Boot Festival is a important festival in China, it da