急需universal studio的英文介绍!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 11:59:46
详细一点的!必须是英文的 最好介绍摄影设备

环球影业制片厂(Universal City Studios)是好莱坞近来颇具号召力的一个热门观光据点。游客进到此处后便搭上片场的游览车,沿途上会经过如乱世佳人等电影的拍摄场景,遇见大金刚之类的旧时电影主角。片场中的一条街上是世界各大城市的街景,有美国西部片里的小镇、纽约、英国伦敦、德国柏林、罗马古城等,布景几可乱真。最新的游乐区是斥资一亿美金的侏罗记公园,游客在这里坐上游艇,然后驶入一个充满热带景象的环境,恐龙在一旁平静的漫步着,突然间恐龙大发兽性,制造出一场混乱,尤如天崩地裂般令人心惊胆跳。
Based on the theme of Hollywood Movies, Universal Studio was actually a carnie as well as a movie-making factory. A tremendous park which was full of grotesque houses and gift shops and restaurants.

As a movie buff,I couldn’t refuse the tempting to witness how a hollywood movie makes and the Universal Studio provides visitors a chance to peer at the special effect producing. the hosts who gave the demostrations are funny and you’ll enjoy it and learn the interesting things at the same time.

Anyway,the computer graffiti technology played a big role in Hollywood movies nowadays and it gave little encourages to me who’ve dreamed of making a movie myself..it’s nothing but money at all..

For those who