listen to this 第三课中有个问题

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 00:48:39
那个patient看完病大吼一声 Dracula(吸血鬼)后面有一声惨叫,我也没听出来是dentist还是他自己吼的,吓我一跳。这是怎么个情况呢,希望明白的朋友告诉我一下,谢谢了。
listen to this真的可以有这样的情节么?不过我也实在是想不出其他的解释了。

Dentist: There we are. Now, open wide. Now, this won't hurt a bit. You won't feel a thing.

Patient: Aaaagh!

Dentist: Come along, now. Open your mouth. I can't give you the injection with your mouth closed, can I?

Patient: I ... I ... I don't want an injection. I hate needles.

Dentist: But it won't hurt you, I promise. None of us likes injections but sometimes they're necessary.

Patient: It will hurt, I know.

Dentist: Not at all. Look, I often deal with little children and they never complain; they're always very brave. Now, open wide.

Patient: I don't want an injection.

Dentist: But how else can I take out your tooth? It would hurt even more without an injection, wouldn't it? And the reason we're taking it out is because it's hurting you, isn't it? Once you've had an injection and I've taken out the tooth you won't have any more