
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 21:19:31
小明说他要来,但如果他不来怎么办(what if)


他心想着如果他赚够钱他就买辆车(think to oneself)

司机的粗心大意导致了一场严重的车祸(lead to)

亨利是一个做事不考虑后果的人(without regard to)


Xiao Ming has said he would come, but what if he doesn't come.
You'd better make an appointment with the doctor.
He thinks to himself that he will buy a car if he can make enough money.
The carelessness of the driver led to a serious accident.
Henry is such a person who do things without regard to the results.
Students look at the result of the exam in surprising expression.