
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 04:50:48
古之欲明明德于天下者,先治其国;欲治其国者先齐其家; 欲齐其家者先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心;欲正其心者,先诚其意;欲诚其意者,先致其知;致知在格物。物格而后知至,知至而后意诚,意诚而后心正,心正而后身修,身修而家齐,家齐而后国治,国治而后天下平。自天子以至於庶人,一是皆以修身为本。其本乱而末治者,否矣;其所厚者薄,而其所薄者厚,未之有也


In ancient times, one who intended to carry forward all the inherent virtues in the world and to rid them of material desires had to first rule his state well


To rule his state well, he had to first educate his family. To educate his family, he had first to cultivate himself. To cultivate himself, he had first to set his heart right. To set his heart right, he had first to be sincere and honesty. To be sincere and honest, he had first to perfect his knowledge and perfection of his knowledge depended on his investigation of things.

It is only when one is able to investigate things that knowledge can be perfected. It is only when one’s knowledge is perfect that one can be sincere and honest. It is only when one is honest and sincere that he can set his hear