
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 01:51:26


英语翻译要先理解了意思再翻译,这里用的“他”是泛指人们,所以英语里要泛指大部分人应该用 ‘YOU’更为恰当,因这句中文应是属于作者的一些想法。而一点一点的给,便是慢慢的,逐渐地,那就可以用'GRADUALLY'

To share your deep feeling as well as true thinking is what the best gift to others. Never easily to give but gradually to share.


The best gift from a person is the feeling deep inside and his true opinion. However the gift cannot be given casually, but to give bit by bit.

The best present to someone is what you feel inside. But it can't be presented to anyone in a that easy manner. Just give bit by bit.

The best gift of a person is his/her true feelings and thoughts deep inside his/her heart and soul.But the gift is not given whenever or wherever,it should be given to the right person just at the right time and the right place.

The best present one c