java(tm) plug-in 2 ssv helper是什么

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 11:08:46

通俗的来讲,Java(TM) plug-in 2 SSV Helper是浏览器运行时附带加载的一个插件,Java应用程序利用此插件来支持工具栏,BHO,浏览器栏等。它主要用于在浏览器上运行java小程序时构建java的运行时环境,打个比方,你家好比是浏览器,你需要把煤气灶打开来提供一个高温环境才能炒菜做饭,而这个插件就好比煤气灶。如果需要在Internet Explorer中查看浏览器中的Java应用程序和插件,您应该保留Java(tm)Plug-In 2 SSV Helper;如果你不需要在浏览器上运行java小程序(比如是你的个人电脑而不是公司的并且你不是做软件开发的等情况),完全可以禁用该插件的加载。
Java is a programming language. You need something called the Java Runtime Environment to run programs written in Java. The Plugin is part of that. A small number of websites also use this. The Java Runtime Environment will appear in Programs and Features in the Control Panel and can be uninstalled from there. Unfortunately, there is a bug in the uninstallation that leaves the entry for the plugin in the Internet Explorer Manage Addons window after Java is uninstalled. This is harmless because the file has been deleted. To remove the entry in Manage Addons would require editing the Registry.
This bug h