高一英语翻译、 急 = =、

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:02:33
1.有一天他想到了要戒烟 come into
2.我一定要把钱给他因为我知道他需要钱 force
3.政府对此采取了积极态度预示着这可能不在是个问题 indicate
4.朋友们经常评论两个男孩有什么不同 comment
5.我妈如此生气以至于我想朝他扔那东西 feel like doing

1 One day he wants to come into giving up smoking.
2 I have to give him the money for I know he is forced with money.
3 The government used the indicate position toward it so it will not be a question probably.
4 The friends often show some comments on the differences of the two boys.
5 My mother is so angry that I feel like throwing something towards her.
