
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 14:47:02




Network helps students form new thinking styles.the expansive thinking styles in network time repalce the conventional ones which are narrow and rigid,and it is favourable for the devopments of expansive thinking,aiding them to view the surrouding matters and persons rightfully,erecting the sentific philosophy and weltanschauung.it also helps students improve their own quailies.network is a manner of education,with such tarits-large content of information ,rapid rate of transmition, entensive range of infulence.it not only enrich the matters of edu. borden the way of edu,help the students accmulate knowlege in the capiuos circutomance,but also prompt the devopments and formations of personolies of the students .especially the constructions of the capums network and idealogical and politacl network give an more comfortable envorment for students to study,even the network can let us know more and further of mainstream of the sudents,leading to the high efficency of moral edu .with th