
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 23:39:36
P78页 有一篇要写的作文
要求:写清Place 、 和 character list (可以多个人)、 和 personalities of character (分别写清)、和 每个人 favourite activities 、 、【看清题目啊啊啊!!!不要辜负了我对你们的期望哦~~~~西西、fighting~~~~!】 【 100词左右吧 】
写清 人物 、 情节 、 和 结果、 就 好了 啊

就等于 随便编一个 小故事

嗯嗯 和我的书一样
place :at home
Character list:
1.name X 2.name Y 名字你自己编
Personalities of characters:
1.X hard-woeking
2.Y lazy
FAvourite activities : X:buyingclothes
Y: watching TV
One day .x and Y are at home. they are doing something they like.
X was studying and Y was watching TV. X felt very angry with Y. Because of the Tv made a lot of noise .Since X shouted at Y ."please,turn down the TV."said X. but B didn;t do it. X was arguing with Y. Soon they got angry with each other . X tried to throw the remote control but it fell onto Y's feet.
