
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 13:25:38

是音乐剧 《纸醉金迷》 吴碧霞唱的

glitter and be gay光彩照人,心花怒放aria form “candide”- cunegondeglitter and be gay, that's the part i play:here i am in paris, france.光彩照人,心花怒放,这是我扮演的角色: 我身在法国巴黎。forced to bend my soul to a sordid role, victimized by bitter, bitter circumstance.被迫屈尊扮演一个下贱的角色,我处境悲惨,身不由己。alas for me! had i remained beside my ladymother, my virtue had remained unstained为我叹息吧!我曾与??为伴,一身清白,未被玷污until my maiden hand was gained by some grand duke or other.直到我的处女之手被王公贵族所牵ah, it was not to be; harsh necessity brought me to this gilded cage.噢,不要这样;我栖身金笼实在是迫不得已。born to higher things, here i droop my wings, ah!??singing of a sorrow nothing can assuage.悲歌一曲,无以慰藉and yet, of course, i rather like to revel, ha ha!我却宁愿纵情狂欢i have no strong objection to champagne, ha ha!来杯香槟,我不会介意my wardrobe is expensive as the devil, ha ha! perhaps it is ignoble to complain…我的服饰价值连城。也许抱怨会显得贪得无厌。enough, enough, of being basely tearful!够了,够了,别再不知好歹,泪眼涟涟!i'll show my noble stuff