
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 12:13:31
我想学的是电子计算机工程,比较想上佐治亚理工,综合排名是35,但是它的工程类,生物医药工程啊,电子啊,材料啊全美排名都是个位数,一般都仅次于MIT 和加州理工。可是身边的同学都是看重综合排名,而且找的中介一般都推荐布朗康内尔等前20的学校。我想问的是,就算我进了康内尔,我学什么??在康内尔学EE是不是还不如在佐治亚理工学EE??上一个综合排名还可以的大学却上它最好的专业是不是明智的?


it depends on whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student.

if you are an undergraduate, i think the comprehensive rank is more important. The knowledge you learn in college is very easy and every one can teach you well. whatever you learn in your college, you have to accept lebral arts education in the first two years. how can a pure engineering school offer excellent LA edu?
by the way, engineering in Cornell university is the best in the undergraduate stage. if you care about both rankings, please choose cornell.however, i can tell you that cornell is very difficult to get in. ( chinese like it very much!!!!)Brown i am not sure, but i hear that it is a party school. don't fight me!

if you are a graduate student. please choose GIT, even regarding to the comprehensive ranking, it is very good.(35 is very top!!!!even top 100 is ok) your major ranking is more important.
